Antonio Avilés: The ball of the Hilbert space in its weak topology

Data: sexta-feira, 04 de dezembro de 2015, às 10h

Sala: 241-A

Palestrante: Antonio Avilés, Universidad de Murcia

Título: The ball of the Hilbert space in its weak topology

Resumo: We will review several results and open problems about the topological properties of the ball of a nonseparable Hilbert space, endowed with its weak topology.

Tristan Bice: Cardinal Invariants in the Calkin Algebra

Data: sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2015, às 10h

Sala: 241-A

Palestrante: Tristan Bice, UFBA

Título: Cardinal Invariants in the Calkin Algebra

Resumo: While cardinal invariants on $\wp(\omega)/Fin$ have been thoroughly investigated, the theory of their various projection analogs in $B(H)/K(H)$ is far less developed. In particular, we take a look at analogs of the MAD family and tower number and their relationship to their classical counterparts in $\wp(\omega)/Fin$.

Brice Mbombo: Bounded and non-unitarisable representations of the free group - part II

Data: sexta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2015, às 10h

Sala: 241-A

Palestrante: Brice Mbombo, IME-USP

Título: Bounded and non-unitarisable representations of the free group - part II

Resumo: Following T. PYTLIK and R. SZWARC, we will provide an explicit example of a family of uniformly bounded representations of free groups which are non-unitarisable.