Yolanda Moreno: On the BAP on subspaces of $\ell_p$, $p \in (0,1]$

Data: segunda-feira, 2 de julho de 2018, às 15h30.

Sala: B-09

Yolanda Moreno (U. de Extremadura)

Título: On the BAP on subspaces of $\ell_p$, 0<p \leq 1.

Resumo: We show, by means of a mixture of linear and nonlinear techniques, that the kernel of any surjective operator $\ell_p\to X$ has the BAP when X has it and $0 < p \leq 1$, which is an analogue of the corresponding result of Lusky for Banach spaces.

Friedrich Schneider: Equivariant dissipation in permutation groups

Data: segunda-feira, 25 de junho de 2018, às 10h00.

Sala: Auditório Jacy Monteiro

Friedrich Martin Schneider (UFSC)

Título: Equivariant dissipation in permutation groups.

Resumo: In his seminal work on metric measure geometry, Gromov introduced the observable distance, a metric on the set of isomorphism classes of metric measure spaces. This metric generalizes the well-known measure concentration phenomenon in a very natural way: a sequence of spaces has the Levy concentration property if and only if it converges to a singleton space with respect to the observable distance. Motivated by striking applications of measure concentration in topological dynamics, Vladimir Pestov proposed to study the phenomenon of concentration to non-trivial spaces in the context of topological groups. Prompted by work of Glasner and Weiss, in 2006 he posed the following problem: given a left-invariant metric d on the full symmetric group of the natural numbers, compatible with the topology of pointwise convergence, does the sequence of finite symmetric groups, equipped with their normalized counting measures and the restrictions of d, concentrate to the compact space of linear order on the natural numbers, endowed with its unique invariant Borel probability measure and a suitable compatible metric?

In the talk, I will answer Vladimir Pestov's question in the negative. As we will see, the above sequence of finite symmetric groups indeed dissipates (in the sense of Gromov), thus does not even admit a subsequence being Cauchy with respect to the observable distance.

Leandro Antunes: Números de Entropia, Desigualdade de Hardy e Espaços de Lorentz

Data: segunda-feira, 14 de maio de 2018, às 10h00.

Sala: Auditório Jacy Monteiro

Palestrante: Leandro Antunes (IME-USP)

Título: Números de Entropia, Desigualdade de Hardy e Espaços de Lorentz.

Resumo: Os espaços de sequência de Lorentz lp,q generalizam os espaços clássicos lp. Estudaremos um resultado de Carl e Stephani que mostra que um operador diagonal D definido por uma sequência não crescente de números positivos x possui números de entropia em lp,q se, e somente se, x pertence a lp,q. Esse resultado decorre da Desigualdade de Hardy, que também demonstraremos neste seminário.

Valentin Ferenczi: Homogeneity and Ramsey properties of Lp spaces - Parte II

Data: segunda-feira, 23 de abril de 2018, às 10h00.

Sala: Auditório Jacy Monteiro

Palestrante: Valentin Ferenczi (IME-USP)

Título: Homogeneity and Ramsey properties of Lp spaces - Parte II.

Resumo: We shall recall the notions of Fraissé class and Fraissé limit, and relate them to classical properties of isometries and isometric embeddings on subspaces of the classical spaces Lp.
We shall enunciate an approximate Ramsey property satisfied by certain of these spaces,
and relate it to the extreme amenability of their isometry group (proved by Gromov-Milman for p=2 and Giordano-Pestov for other values of p), in the spirit of the Kechris-Pestov Todorcevic correspondance in Fraissé theory.

Joint work with J. Lopez-Abad, B. Mbombo, S. Todorcevic.

Valentin Ferenczi: Homogeneity and Ramsey properties of Lp spaces.

Data: segunda-feira, 9 de abril de 2018, às 10h00.

Sala: Auditório Jacy Monteiro

Palestrante: Valentin Ferenczi (IME-USP)

Título: Homogeneity and Ramsey properties of Lp spaces.

Resumo: We shall recall the notions of Fraissé class and Fraissé limit, and relate them to classical properties of isometries and isometric embeddings on subspaces of the classical spaces Lp.
We shall enunciate an approximate Ramsey property satisfied by certain of these spaces,
and relate it to the extreme amenability of their isometry group (proved by Gromov-Milman for p=2 and Giordano-Pestov for other values of p), in the spirit of the Kechris-Pestov Todorcevic correspondance in Fraissé theory.

Joint work with J. Lopez-Abad, B. Mbombo, S. Todorcevic.

Jesús M. F. Castillo: Differentials of interpolation processes: A Tourbillon

Data: segunda-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2018, às 14h

Sala: Sala B-144

Palestrante: Jesús M. F. Castillo (U. de Extremadura)

Título: Differentials of interpolation processes: A Tourbillon.

Resumo: The purpose of the talk is to present recent advances in the understanding of differentials of interpolation processes, as initiated by Kalton, and Rochberg and Weiss. Recall that a twisted sum of a Banach space $X$ is a Banach space $\Omega_X$ containing a subspace isomorphic to $X$ so that $\Omega_X/X$ is isomorphic to $X$. For our purposes, the simplest example is the Kalton-Peck space $Z_2$ that is a twisted Hilbert space (i.e., a twisted sum of Hilbert spaces $\ell_2$). On the other hand, it is well known that given a complex interpolation scale, a kind of derivation process produces twisted sums. To be more precise, let $\mathbb D$ be the complex unit disk, given an  "interpolation family", say, $\{ X_\omega \}_{\omega \in \partial \mathbb D}$ for which complex interpolation produces spaces $\{X_\theta \}_{ \theta \in \mathbb D}$, the derivation process at $\theta$ produces twisted sums $\Omega_\theta$ of $X_\theta$. In this context, the space $\Omega_\theta$ is called the derived space (of the scale) at $\theta$. Again, the simplest example is the space $Z_2$, which appears as the derived space at $1/2$ of the scale of $\ell_p$-spaces when starting with the couple $(\ell_1, \ell_\infty)$.

Kalton did a tremendously deep work in the study of complex differential processes in a Köthe function space ambient, while Rochberg did a tremendous work towards the understanding of iterated derivation. Our purpose is to present a panorama of new results and directions of research in these topics. Which, in bird's-eye view could be:

 Classical and new derivations.
 Higher order derivations, and why.
 Stability of the complex differential process. 
 Symmetries of differential processes.
 Kalton vs. Rochberg derivation.
 Real vs. complex derivation.

Aspects of this research have been jointly worked with Félix Cabello, Willian Correa, Valentin Ferenczi, Nigel Kalton, Manuel González, Daniel Morales and Jesús  Súarez.