Arkady Leiderman: Basic families of functions and embeddings of free locally convex spaces

Data: segunda-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2014, às 16h

Sala: Auditório Antonio Gilioli

Palestrante: Arkady Leiderman, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Título: Basic families of functions and embeddings of free locally convex spaces

Resumo: Let X be a completely regular topological space. The free locally convex space on X is a locally convex space L(X) for which X forms a Hamel basis and such that every continuous mapping from X to a locally convex space E extends uniquely to a  continuous linear operator from  L(X) to E. In our talk we survey the results which are related to the following problem: characterize all topological spaces X such that L(X) can be embedded into L[0,1] as a closed linear subspace, where [0,1] is a usual unit segment. The methods rely on a famous Kolmogoroff Superposition Theorem.

Slides of the presentation can be found here.